Application Accepted!!!

Hey people I'm back!

I have a good news to share with you guys! I just received email from LASALLE on Tuesday 5th Dec and guess what?!..
Yes! I got accepted for my admission in LASALLE! ALHAMDULILLAH, that I got through the audition and learnt something new during the class. It was a relieved to receive that news. But there are more things to complete on.

In the email, I received two attachments. One of it is the notes for the new students, stating the important information like the orientation day, tuition fees, and other scheme for eligible students.
Another attachment is the paperwork which I have to submit by the dateline given. The attachment includes of Student contract, Payment method and photo for student card and Ezlink card and more thorough explanation in that attachment.

I am sure there will be many things to settle for admission paper work. And I hope that I will be able to submit all the documents on time, if not they can't process the admission and LASALLE have the rights to take down any applicants that failed to complete this submission. Plus the dateline is just next week, 19th Dec. Just hope for the best that I would bit!!e able to complete everything *Pray hard*. Jia you to me haha!

That's it! ^ ^

Syae <3


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